Friday, November 4, 2011

How to register PayPal Business account

Come on to register account paypal for your business

Please choose and press on the button "Business" to see the details of business account.

To register your own business PayPal account please choose and press on the button "Create account".

There will appear First step menu.

1. Please choose the country or region where you live.
Please choose and pres on the small arrow button to see the list of regions and countries.


2. Press on your country/region name.

3. You will be directed to the next menu.
Please choose your account type - "Business account".
Please choose and press on the button "Continue".

There will appear Sign up form

Your business information

Business name - Name of your company which will be displayed at payment page


Category/State - Your business category
(please choose from the list which will appear when you'll press on the small arrow button).


Address line 1 - Your company's location address


Address line 2(optional) - Your company's another location address


Town/City - Your company's location town/city


County - Your company's location county


Postcode - Your company's location postcode


Country - Your company's location country

Customer Service Email - email address will be shared only with those who purchase from you.
It will be provided to buyers during payment so that they can contact you if they need.


Customer Service Phone - phone number will be shared only with those who purchase from you.
It will be provided to buyers during payment so that they can contact you if they need.


Business URL (optional) - your business URL


Business Owner Contact Information

First Name - business owner's first name


Last Name - business owner's last name


Country of Citizenship - business owner's country of citizenship

Work Telephone - business owner's work telephone number


Home Telephone (optional) - business owner's home telephone number


Mobile Telephone (optional) - business owner's mobile telephone number


Business Owner Address

Address line 1 - business owner's location address


Address line 2(optional) - business owner's another location address


Town/City - Your company's location town/city


County - Your company's location county


Postcode - Your company's location postcode


Country - Your company's location country

When all fields are filled in, please choose and press on the button "Continue".

There will open next step registration form.

Your Email Address and Password

Email Address - email address that you will use to log into PayPal.


Re-enter Email Address


Password - password that you will use to log into PayPal.
Password must be at least 8 characters long.


Retype password


Password recovery

Security Question 1 - choose any question from the list


Answer 1 - answer to the Security question 1


Security Question 2 - choose any question from the list


Answer 2 - answer to the Security question 2


User Agreement and Privacy Policy

Please read User Agreement and Privacy Policy.
If you are agree to continue please choose and click "Yes I hereby".

Security Measure

Please enter the code that is drown at a picture.

Note: You must be over 18 to sign up for PayPal account.
To continue, please choose and press on the button "Sign up".

Your account was registered; you need to confirm your email address.

There will appear the instruction from PayPal company - "How to confirm Your Email Address".

1. Please receive the email.

2. Click on the link in email.

3. You will be asked to enter your password.

4. Enter your password and press on the button "Confirm".

5. Your email is confirmed.

Now you can log in using your email and password and use your PayPal account.

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