ISAC adalah kolaborasi akselerasi
internasional yang berfokus pada pengembangan solusi inovatif untuk memecahkan
masalah penting dari planet kita. Acara International Space Apps Challenge ini
akan diselenggarakan di tujuh benua – serta di angkasa – pada tanggal 21 – 22
April 2012. Di Jakarta, acara hackathon akan diadakan di @America,
Pacific Place Jakarta serta di kantor pusat DailySocial – yang tidak terlalu
jauh dari lokasi utama acara.
Para hacker bisa bekerja
secara individu atau tim, dan platform agnostic jadi Anda bisa memilih platform
apapun untuk acara hackathon ini. Solusi yang dikembangkan bisa berupa
aplikasi mobile, desktop atau web. Apapun! Dan setiap kode yang disusun akan
dijadikan sebagai proyek open source.
Tahun ini, kami memiliki beberapa
tantangan yang menanti untuk dipecahkan oleh para hacker di seluruh
Open Data Challenge — Kepler
The challenge is to help NASA either a) make Kepler data more accessible or b) create something amazing with it. It could be an app that better visualizes the data, an interface that presents the data in a new way, an infographic that helps understand the data in a new way, or more.
Handheld Hardware for Citizen Science
The challenge is to develop plug-in hardware that can be used for any one of NASA’s citizen science missions, such as the creation of a spectrometer, photometer, or other instrumentation. A solution could include an open source framework to allow a variety of external sensors to interface with common smartphones. Sensors could measure atmospheric conditions, the radioactive environment over time, electromagnetic interference, or a variety of other conditions.
Size of the Earth App
Develop an app that facilitates a set of cooperative observations from which the app can determine the size of the Earth. An ingenious Greek astronomer named Eratosthenes, living about 2500 years ago, not only knew that the Earth was round, but was able to accurately determine its size! You and a new friend can do the same, with the assistance of this app!
NASA Planetary Data System Interface
Develop a tool for citizen scientists, educators, and students to access NASA’s Planetary Data System data sets, which is available at
HTML5 App to access NASA Earth Observations website
Develop a stand-alone HTLM5 tablet app that would reach a large number of citizen scientists using Earth Science Data from the NASA Earth Observations (NEO) website ( The website currently provides access to a wide array of missions and instrument data, and the ability to statistically analyze the information. It is focused on Earth Science, but will be extended to include planetary systems datasets in the future.
Preliminary Design for Open Data API
Scope out and design the hooks and actions necessary for application developers to interface with NASA datasets through an API. NASA has thousands of publicly available datasets, ranging from deep-space radiation readings to geospatial imaging of the earth’s surface. While an API exists at to read these datasets’ metadata, there is no standard way to access the data itself.
Create Semantic Data Descriptor File
The challenge is the creation of a semantic XML/RDF method for describing the contents of NASA datasets. NASA has thousands of publicly available datasets, ranging from deep-space radiation readings to geospatial imaging of the earth’s surface. Currently, there is no standard way to semantically describe the contents of a dataset in a way that is both easy to understand and machine readable.
Jika Anda menganggap begadang +
hackathon dan memecahkan masalah adalah sebuah kegiatan yang menyenangkan,
maka ini waktunya Anda bersiap-siap, mendaftar lewat tautan
ini dan mulai melihat-lihat API opens source NASA di tautan ini,
dan pikirkanlah bagaimana Anda akan mengubah dunia dan memecahan masalah
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